Hamish Johnston

Multimedia Designer, Assistant Editor

Hamish Johnston is a gifted multimedia artist who specializes in film editing, digital design and development. His passion is in designing original interactive work that reaches out and engages audiences in new and innovative ways.

Hamish is a graduate of Victoria University and holds a certificate of Application Development for the Apple iOS. He has previously worked in Los Angeles and has collaborated with major sports and entertainment brands including Universal, MTV and Paramount and transforming them into re-imagined works of art that maintain the integrity of the originating material.

His past work has innovated and reached huge audiences driving consumer and audience engagement in dozens of countries around the world.  In his role as creative director at Moonshine, Hamish has worked with dozens of leading brands and businesses.

He has led the creative and multimedia design for impact films Take Heart (2015), Little Stars (2015), Common Ground (2013) and LIFE Before Death (2012) as well as the world’s first interactive stand-up comedy series Jokes On You starring Eddie Ifft (2011).

Hamish participated in Screen Australia’s Enterprise Asia program which was paved the way to the major international co production Adventure Tasmania (2016).

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