These images from Hippocratic film are available to download for your personal use, inspiration and sharing on social media.

In a gently way, you can shake the world.

Dr-MR-Rajagopal-Quote_Hippocratic-Film_ It's easy to destroy somebody with a few words; it's also easy lift somebody up from the depths.
Dr-MR-Rajagopal-Quote_Hippocratic-Film_A man with cancer is not just a container of cancer, he is first a human being.
Dr MR Rajagopal Quote_Hippocratic Film_ I'm proud of my country, I’m not proud that we allow one third of our population to live in poverty.
Dr-MR-Rajagopal-Quote_Hippocratic-Film_ Morphine is a painkiller which is matchless, it’s an essential medicine.
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